How to use the Polycom x30/x50 Conference unit
1. When making a meeting make sure to invite all of your participants and Meeting Room 1. This needs to be done via the meeting room resource calendar.
2. Turn on the TV.
3. Once the meeting has been made, use the touch screen in the meeting room to join by hitting the join button (you can see what it should look like below)
4. Now you should be connected to the Polycom and the screen for your meeting.
5. If you wish to share your screen in the meeting, use the Share option in Teams by joining the meeting on your laptop. NB. Ensure you mute on your laptop.
(If there are any issues with meeting conflicts please contact the IT Ops Team or Reception for assistance).
NB: If you don't require the Polycom you can share your screen on the TV by using the Connect option on your laptop and selecting the TV from the available devices.
Step by Step Guide to connect to screen if needed.
1. Click start from the bottom left of your screen
2. Search connect
3. Select connect to a wireless display
4. Select the TV that is in the room you are having the meeting in(they will be named to match)